What Does It Mean To Be All In For Jesus?

Lose your life and you will find it.

It's not the easiest thing to do, but it is exactly what Jesus has called us to (Matthew 16:25). A life lived all in is a life fully surrendered to Jesus—a life full of joy. The opposite of all in, a life of simply being aware of who Jesus is, always leads to disappointment and disillusionment.

Holding Back Leads to Sorrow

The rich young ruler was a young man who decided to sit back and know Jesus without surrendering to Jesus (Matthew 19:16-30). Jesus asked the young ruler to take his next step and to surrender his finances completely. The rich young ruler walked away from Jesus because he didn’t understand what Jesus was calling him to. Jesus wanted more for him than just a comfortable, quiet life—Jesus wanted him to have joy and an abundant life. He wanted him to experience the blessing of taking next steps.

All In Leaves a Legacy

Barnabas, on the other hand, is a great example of what it looks like to go all in for Jesus. The first time we see him in scripture (Acts 4:36-37), he is selling his field and giving the proceeds to the apostles. Barnabas went on to preach and teach alongside Paul for many years, helping start churches throughout Asia Minor and Europe. Because Barnabas went all-in, he was able to make a huge impact on the world and became known as “a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith” (Acts 11:24).

When we go all in for Jesus, it not only changes our life but the generations that come after us. What legacy do you want to leave?

What is Your Next Step?

We all have a next step; are you willing to go all in? If you need help figuring out yours, ask yourself this question, “What makes me tense during a church service?” The answer to this question is most likely the area of your life that isn’t fully surrendered. Maybe it’s finances, an addiction, sexual sin, pride, or forgiveness issues. Many of us are already aware of what our next step is but we choose to ignore it rather than face it. Jesus approaches us the same way He did the rich young ruler, “take your next step and follow me.” I hope you will choose a life of joy and fullness over sorrow.

A life fully surrendered to God is a life of taking next steps, no matter what the cost.

A life fully surrendered to God is a life of taking next steps, no matter what the cost. Barnabas was able to go all-in because he understood that Jesus went all-in for him. Jesus held nothing back; He bet His life against sin and death and He won! Our God is an all-in God, and He has called and empowered us to be all-in people.

Copyright 2023, Christian Study Group.